Viaqua is involved with young people in the job search

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Viaqua collaborates with the Princess of Girona Foundation (FPdGi) becoming one of the Development Centers that promotes the “Talent Rescuers” training program, which aims to promote the employability of young people.

SUEZ is one of the companies that actively participates in «Talent Rescuers», in this case, Viaqua has decided to get involved in the project by receiving 11 young people from all over Spain in Santiago de Compostela with one objective: to help them find employment for which they have studied.

During two training sessions, workers from Viaqua and Cetaqua have shared knowledge about the management of the integral water cycle, research and innovation in the water and environment sector, and how the company is committed to the 2030 Agenda of Nations United to achieve the SDGs with its activity.

The practical part of the conference was marked by the visit to the laboratory of the CIGAT Joint Unit, formed by VIAQUA, CETAQUA and GAIN; Simulations of professional interviews, group dynamics and a debate on employability in the sector, where participants shared their doubts when facing a selection process.

The Development Center, carried out by Viaqua, ended with visits to the company's facilities in Santiago, the ETAP del Tambre and the WWTP of Aríns, with the objective of experiencing first-hand the concepts discussed the previous day.

The "Talent Rescuers" program allows young people with higher education to live on-site business experiences, designed by the HR departments of the companies. The program also grants mobility aids so that those enrolled can travel to the city where the training is organized.