Viaqua organises a water tasting at the As Coiñás DWTP in Ourense

The As Coiñás drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) in Ourense hosted a water tasting this morning, organised for representatives of the city’s media.


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At the event, laboratory technician Rosa Martínez encouraged participants to drink more tap water ‘because no water undergoes more controls’. Tap water is also ‘the cheapest, healthiest and most environmentally friendly’.

Every day, control tests are performed on water, from its catchment in rivers and reservoirs, through drinking water treatment plants, to distribution in private homes. Last year, a total of 5,000 parameters were tested in the city of Ourense.

Participants at the tasting, including the Councillor for the Environment, José Araujo, assessed four different waters, one of which was the water from the taps of residents in Ourense.