Viaqua contributed to reducing atmospheric CO2 emissions by 5,000 tonnes in 2016
In 2016, all the energy used by Viaqua came from renewable energy sources.

Viaqua consumes 100% renewable electricity at the facilities it manages in Galicia, as certified by the company Enérgya-MV, complying with the requirements established by Spain's National Commission on Markets and Competition (CNMC).
This demonstrates the company’s commitment to achieving a zero-carbon-footprint environmental impact, which, in specific terms, contributed to reducing atmospheric CO2 emissions by 4,929 tonnes last year.
As well as consuming only the energy required and applying efficiency measures (ISO 50001) in its facilities to reduce energy costs, Viaqua has invested in improving the quality of life of residents by replacing its petrol vehicles with electric or hybrid ones and its diesel vehicles with 100% electric ones.
In the city of Ourense, the acquisition of three electric vehicles has led to a reduction in atmospheric emission of 8.7 tonnes of CO2 a year, bearing in mind that each car reduces emissions by 56.6 g of CO2 per km travelled compared to a diesel vehicle, a total of 2.9 tonnes fewer emissions per vehicle, per year. A further 8 tonnes/year of emissions have been reduced by acquiring four hybrid cars to replace diesel vehicles.
Sustainable development is a strategic issue and one that is vitally important to Viaqua. This goal translates into a commitment to reducing the environmental impact of logistics and activities at the facilities managed by the company through sustainable solutions that, in short, contribute to conserving the planet without compromising resources and the opportunities of future generations.