Water tasting to celebrate World Environment Day

Traditionally, it is said that water is odorless, colorless and insipid, but that is not totally true, it has nuances. In the week in which World Environment Day is celebrated, Viaqua wanted to test the smell, sight and taste of different people in both Santiago de Compostela and Pontevedra.
During the tasting the participants were able to train the smell, taste and discover different nuances of four different types of water, bottled and tap. In Santiago a tasting was organized with "moms instragramers", parents and a plastics recycling workshop for their sons and daughters. In Pontevedra, the tasting was directed by the different personalities of the city, including the Mayor of Pontevedra, Miguel Ángel F. Lores, councilmen and councilors, Iñaki Bretal, chef of Grupo Nove, representatives of SETGA, of the Hoteliers Association of Pontevedra and members of the Waterpolo Club Pontevedra, among others.
We usually classify water as "good" or "bad" depending on a clearly subjective aspect, its taste, without considering other aspects that should guide us when choosing the water we drink. Safety, since the water that flows through the tap is the most controlled, sustainability, tap water is the most sustainable because it does not generate plastics and the economy is the most economical, drinking bottled water costs between 500 and 1,000 times more than the tap.
As a result of the tasting, the waters of low mineralization were the best valued, some waters from the tap are considered low mineralization but may produce some rejection by nuances of chlorine taste. What the participants did not know is that chlorine is a mandatory element and guarantees the safety of the water that is drunk.